Starting Over

Setting up the  workshop in my garage begins. Beats the hell out of the basement I was in back in Massachusetts. Had to spend a couple days degreasing the concret floor, which had about 30 years of oil losing cars parked on it. Figured the place would go up in flames if a spark hit the ground. The carpet will have to be replaced with some padded plastic somethin’ or other once I’m up and running with a welder. More on buying a welder another day.

About took off my finger installing this Craftsmen 8′ Workbench. Total pain in the ass to put together as are most craftsmen bench and shelving units. After you bend everything back from getting beat up in transit you need to follow the cryptic instructions. I about guillotined my finger trying to install the back panel light. It’s a two man job I was trying to do by myself. One side slipped off and my finger was smashed between the back panel and the top light cover. Took about 2 weeks to get feeling back. But now I’m one step closer to getting organized.

Next will be a shelving unit to hold all the old and new parts during the SR build. Which I’ve decided to start over and do right. Before I wasn’t thinking I would not paint the frame or any other part on the bike. I wanted the older look but found the previous owner just rattle caned the hubs, thus some of the spokes and even the engine. It looks good 10 feet away but now that I’m putting so many hours into rebuilding and have another bike to take me to work on the rainy days I can completely build the SR250 to be pristine. Thus I’m starting over, breaking it all down to clean up everything nice and proper.

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