Mounting the Seat

Clamped on a 2×4 to the frame to help drill a straight line all the way through. Which I did, except the seats bolt angle was about 5 degrees off center. So I need to drill out the top hole a bit wider in order to screw the bolts in. Which meant I needed to grind off some mounts from the frame. Not done yet since I need to wait till the weekend to grind and drill. Grinding wakes up the kids during my normal operating hours 10pm-2am.

4 thoughts on “Mounting the Seat

  1. Digging your build mate!

    That’s a LOT of clearance for your rear wheel. You mentioned that your roads are bumpy, did the stock set up make the tyre scrape the fender? What are you planning to fill the void with after cutting metal from the seat plate?

    Will be following with enthusiasm. Good luck with it.

    • Thanks for the kind words. Glad to hear you’re liking the build so far. Can’t wait to find a place to live so I can keep working on it. Soon, very soon.

      About the clearance. When I would hit a bump in the road, and in Boston Massachusetts there were a lot of bumps in the road, my shocks would bottom out. The tyre didn’t hit the fender but my center stand would flip down and slap back up on the frame making a bad metal on metal clang as I went along. The original shocks were 290mm but I went with a larger shock 320mm since I’m a 6′ 1″ 230lb guy. The new fender sits a bit higher too since it’s made for an SR400/500 frame which I believe has an 17or18 inch rim.

      I’m use to motorcross bikes with high fenders so it doesn’t look off to me. But it is high. Once I get the seat mounted I’ll take another look at the mounting brackets for the fender and see if I can lower it an inch or so. My only worry is there will be a big gap between the seat and the fender since the older frames slant up a bit more than I would like and I don’t have any welding chops . . . yet. The new place I’m looking at getting will have a full blow garage so I can put a 220v electrical box to run a welder. Then I could cut the frame and put a loop in to get the seat lower with cleaner lines. I do have some fat vintage firestone tyres to put on which will fill out the back a bit too. Although I must say when my rather large self sits on the bike the wheel clearance starts to look right 🙂

      Again thanks for the interest and I hope to get some more posts up, just need to find house first . . . details.


  2. Hey Kevin,

    Love the build! I just got an SR250 and am looking to start upgrades slowly. Mine has a busted seat, so I wanted to swap that out so that I can ride it asap. What type of seat did you go with and where did you get it? Did you have to do extensive modifications to the frame to mount it?



    • I bought my seat a few years back from Japan. The WeBike website. Great variety for new SR250’s. It doesn’t fit at all so I bought a seat mounting kit from Dime City Cycles. I’ve yet to mount it but seems super easy except for the kit is for larger frames. The 250 is .25 smaller that the 750’s its designed for. So yet again I need to modify my modify.

      I’ve been so busy shipping video games I haven’t touched my build in about a year. But after shipping of Halo 5 in a couple months I’m going to finish this thing once and for all 🙂


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